Identifying and addressing Maternal Health Services inequalities in Sierra Leone

Funder: Vital Strategies

Project period: March 2024 to February 2025

Owner and endorsed the project: Ministry of Health (MoH), Directorate of Reproductive and Child Health (RCH)

Scope: FETP graduates and MoH staff working in maternal and child health programs and healthcare facilities

Main Goal: Generate high quality maternal mortality data to address inequalities by July 2025

Specific Objectives:

  1. Review of maternal mortality data collection variables to address equity
  2. Enhance maternal mortality data analysis with a special focus on addressing inequitable access to service delivery
  3. Generate and disseminate evidence of inequalities on maternal health services
  4. To strengthen the capacity of national and district staff on monitoring inequalities on maternal health
  5. To strengthen the digital health system

Maternal Mortality dashboard developed for monitoring across all districts

AFENET staff supporting the district reproductive health staff to manage data electronically