Strengthening electronic surveillance systems

AFENET Sierra Leone received a country-specific 5-year Global Health Security Agenda (GHSA) grant from the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (U.S. CDC) in 2021. This grant continued earlier GHSA networking CoAg to strengthen the sustainability of global health security objectives, specifically workforce development and electronic surveillance systems in Sierra Leone.

Currently, AFENET, through financial and technical support from the US CDC, is supporting the Ministry of Health, National Public Health Agency (NPHA), previously known as the Directorate of Health Security and Emergencies (DHSE) to transform disease surveillance from paper-based to electronic through the implementation of disease surveillance systems nationwide namely; Electronic Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response (eIDSR) for weekly aggregate priority disease reporting and electronic Case-based disease surveillance (eCBDS) for immediate case-based reporting. The systems have been implemented across all the 16/16 districts over 1500 public health facilities, and more than half of the private health facilities.

The surveillance programs that have been digitized include Mortality surveillance, Sentinel surveillance, public health laboratory results, Point of Entry, Quarantine, and contact tracing.

Electronic Case-based disease surveillance (eCBDS) Data flow

Health facility data capture for IDSR aggregate and case-based data on priority diseases using tablet

Visualizations from the electronic system